本次会议是中华建设管理学会(CRIOCM)成立以来举办的第二十五届国际学术年会。会议由华中师范大学公共管理学院承办。应参会人员要求,本次会议论文征集截止日期延至2020年9月20日。本次会议被接受的论文将集册出版并申请EI Compendex收录。
n 研讨会主题
CM04: 新基建与建设管理
n 会议论文提交
l 论文语言:英语;论文篇幅:5000-6000字(含参考文献);论文页数
l 论文格式请参照会议论文全文(模板)。
l 每位会议注册人(作为第一作者)只录用一篇论文。
l 提交方式:请将论文全文发送至邮箱criocm2020@163.com
n 会议重要日程
2020/05/31 摘要提交截止
2020/09/20 全文提交截止
2020/10/31 论文评审结果通知
2020/11/25 会议注册截止
2020/11/28 会议开幕
n 会议通讯地址
中国·武汉 (邮编430079)
CRIOCM 2020 建设管理与房地产发展国际学术研讨会组委会秘书处
电子邮件:criocm2020@163.com (兼会议论文投稿邮箱)
会议网站: https://fac.arch.hku.hk/criocm/conference2020
25th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate
Extended deadline for full paper submission (2nd announcement)
Note: Affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the 25th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate will be held online with registration fees waived. For more details, please pay attention to our further updates.
The CRIOCM 25th International Symposium on “Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate” is jointly organized by the Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM) and Central China Normal University (CCNU), hosted by the College of Public Administration of CCNU. In response to requests, the final deadline for full paper submission has been extended to 20 September 2020. Accepted papers will be published by conference proceedings, which are expected to be submitted for inclusion into EI Compendex.
CM01: Theoretical and practical advancement of construction management
CM02: The integrated applications of BIM, CIM, and GIS in construction
management and real estate
CM03: Sustainable built environment development
CM04: New infrastructure development and management
CM05: Globalization of China’s construction industry
CM06: Real estate management and housing policies
CM07: Construction and real estate economy
CM08: Big data and blockchain for construction management and real estate
CM09: Construction management and real estate in the post COVID-19 era
CM10: Innovations in spatial planning and land use
CM11: Social governance in urbanization
CM12: Urbangovernance to public crises
Submission guidelines
Paper language and length: Papers should be written in English and up to 8 pages with a maximum number of words of 5000-6000 (references included).
Paper format: Please refer to the instructions
Registration: Each registrant is only allowed to register one paper as the first author.
Submission method: Please send the full paper directly to criocm2020@163.com
Key dates
31/05/2020: Abstract submission deadline
20/09/2020: Full paper submission deadline
31/10/2020: Notification of acceptance
25/11/2020: Registration deadline
28/11/2020: Conference Opening
Organizations and Contacts
CRIOCM2020 Committee
College of Public Administration
Central China Normal University
Telephone: +86-27-67868187
E-mail: criocm2020@163.com
Website: https://fac.arch.hku.hk/criocm/conference2020